病毒降落在都市中每一寸空白的空間,覆蓋了日常通勤的街道,令誰也沒想到,呼吸竟成了最致命的舉動,迫使那些賴以為生的社交生活退回各自的居住空間,那是公寓也是最熟悉的牢籠,直到此時我們才赫然發覺自己原來是如此地渴望自然與互動。歷經居家隔離、遠端學習,試著將慾望縮到最小期望疫情過去,這種禁足感像極了一場滯留的颱風夜,但閉上眼在家中聽著雨打在屋頂上的聲音,卻讓人感到無比的安全,不知不覺中,黎明已從天邊升起。 While the viruses are falling from the sky and taking up all the voids in the city, unprecedentedly, breathing becomes the deadliest move that induces us to retreat from social life and fall back to our personal spaces. An apartment therefore performs both as a shelter and a cage. Through the quarantine and moving restriction, the cage eventually aroused our actual desires of social interaction. Such a feeling of being grounded indoors is just like staying at home during typhoon nights, sitting in front of windows and waiting for the storm to pass. However, the sound of rain from the roof on the contrary makes people feel strongly secured. I assume that is the most treasurable accompany in this pandemic shower, as the dawn always comes after it.
牛 Niu